Restore Office 2010 Pro after Windows 10 reset - Microsoft office 2010 professional plus rearm free download

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Microsoft office 2010 professional plus rearm free download 



Microsoft office 2010 professional plus rearm free download - Why Microsoft Office rearm activation even exists? A little background about it


Yes, I can cobble something together manually, as I do have paper records; yes, I can ask him again for his e-mail address and yes, I can copy-and-paste the invoice into a web-mail message instead of attaching it to an Outlook message. But all of this takes more time than was formerly usual, and time is something I do not have much of. I have a free-lance day job. Before my working day starts and again after I come home and relieve my sister, I have another full-time job caring for an elderly parent seven days a week.

I have a couple of hours for myself after our parent goes to bed, and have been accustomed to spend that time developing my own software projects. One or two might eventually pay off, but mostly this is how I unwind. However, for quite some time, I have been unable to pursue these projects, due to problems with the development environment.

I had just solved those problems, and now this. Forgive me for the probably inappropriate expression of my frustrations in a public forum. I'm really a very patient person, usually responding to a setback with an "Okay, let's see how we can fix this or work around it" attitude.

I just do not have as much time as I did while in his employ to stick with a problem, and spending what little time I do have on such problems, instead of the satisfying pursuit of my own projects, is beginning to tell.

Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit 1 person found this reply helpful. Quick fix: try using Word and Excel Online. Log in to OneDrive. They are dumbed down, but should be adequate for creating an invoice.

I don't know about hooking up to outlook PST. Another quick fix option is one of the freeware Office alternatives like LibreOffice. I can provide links to other alternatives if you are interested. Longer run, first of all, you need the 25 character Product Key to activate Office with. Without it there is not much use trying to find an installation file. The key should be on your certificate of authenticity or proof of purchase which you say you don't have. Do you have an image copy backup of the old setup?

We can help you extract the key from the backup. You are correct: I never had a product key. As to proof of purchase, even if I could lay hands on it, IIRC it was a simple sales receipt with a total purchase price computer, Office and perhaps one or two other items but no breakout for the individual item prices. The reset process left a desktop icon that lists removed applications. If it also saved images of those applications, I have not yet found them. Service Packs are collections of Windows updates that you can apply to Office or Windows.

They are a faster way of applying updates. Nevertheless, the "trick" has been widely publicized online to regular home users and Microsoft seems okay with it. Load Comments User Comments: Recently commented stories Jump to forum mode. Add your comment to this article. For people who is not accepted or invited into the official Office Technical Preview program, but has installed Office , and been persistently warned that this copy of Microsoft Office is not activated with few days left to activate, Office probably including the final RTM version when released has built-in capability for user to rearm and extend the activation grace period for another additional 30 days for up to generous 5 five times, in a feature similar to Windows Vista rearm or Windows 7 rearm, allowing up to days of free usage of Office A new prompt will come out.

Above command will return the following output, where dwGraceTime is a DWORD value that holds the grace period before the software will stop working and require activation:. Note: Mostly the IDs are the same for similar Office installation.


Restore Office Pro after Windows 10 reset - Microsoft Community

  Zan February 15, - am that slmgr. Liezl Fal: Thanks for your response. By entering the free activation code provided prior to downloading, and then declining to automatically activate Office, users will end up with a copy that is not activated. This will remind the user that the software needs to be activated. Office rearm could also be useful if you installed Office Trial. Recently I had to reset Windows 10, and am re-installing applications that were removed by the reset. Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.❿     ❿
